Employees awareness

PoSH awareness sessions are integral for nurturing a constructive work environment that encourages respect, trust, and equality among team members. HR leaders, founders, and managers should prioritize conducting regular PoSH awareness sessions to foster a positive workplace culture.

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, commonly referred to as the PoSH Act, was established in 2013. This legislation aims to prevent, prohibit, and address instances of workplace sexual harassment. Its primary goal is to ensure a secure work environment for women, safeguarding their dignity and integrity.

Employees awareness

01 PoSH Awareness Sessions

The saying “prevention is better than cure” is especially relevant when it comes to workplace sexual harassment. The team of PoSH experts at Ungender is committed to helping you create a safe work environment by providing customised PoSH awareness sessions for your employees.

We also conduct employee surveys and gather feedback to ensure that your workforce has a thorough and lasting understanding of workplace safety regulations.

“Gender diversity can lead to 25% revenue growth.”
Comprehensive education
Comprehensive education

Our sessions cover a wide range of topics, including the definition of sexual harassment, its various forms, and the legal framework surrounding it. We provide employees with a thorough understanding of their rights and responsibilities, as well as the procedures for reporting and addressing harassment incidents.

Interactive learning experience
Interactive learning experience

We believe in engaging and interactive learning experiences that encourage active participation and discussion among employees. Through interactive activities, case studies, and real-life scenarios, we facilitate meaningful dialogue and promote a deeper understanding of key concepts.

Employee feedback and surveys
Employee feedback and surveys

We value the input and feedback of your employees, which is why we conduct surveys and gather feedback to assess the effectiveness of our PoSH awareness sessions. By soliciting feedback directly from your workforce, we ensure that our sessions are impactful, relevant, and tailored to their needs.

Employees awareness

02 Gender Sensitisation

Gender sensitisation is indispensable for fostering a secure workplace, alongside PoSH awareness sessions. Ungender’s team of experts specialises in providing sensitive gender sensitisation training to your employees.

We aim to help them understand gender roles, recognise privilege, and navigate power dynamics effectively, thus mitigating instances of workplace sexual harassment.

“Gender diversity can lead to 25% revenue growth.”
Promoting inclusivity
Promoting inclusivity

ender sensitisation goes beyond mere awareness of gender-related issues; it seeks to cultivate empathy, understanding, and respect for diverse gender identities and experiences. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and acceptance, gender sensitisation helps create a workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

Addressing power dynamics
Addressing power dynamics

Our training sessions delve into the complexities of power dynamics, privilege, and unconscious biases that contribute to gender-based discrimination and harassment. We provide employees with the tools and knowledge to recognize and challenge harmful stereotypes, biases, and behaviors, fostering a more equitable and respectful workplace culture.

Our services are trusted by some of the top organisations- we work with enterprises, SMEs, and the Startups of the future. No team is too big to address the complexities of their culture or too small to not worry about the same.

    Undo the gender divide. Build an inclusive workplace. Address workplace harassment.

    Tell us what you need in the form below and we'll get right back to you!

    or email us at contact@ungender.in

    Our Certificates

    Committed to protecting our clients’ data, maintaining the highest security standards, and ensuring the availability of our platform, Ungender is also an ISO 27001:2013 certified entity. To know more about how your data is safe and protected with us, Click here