5 Rules to follow at an office party to prevent sexual harassment

5 Rules to follow at an office party to prevent sexual harassment

Office parties are a perfect chance to unwind as the work finishes up. Employees are generally less careful when it comes to their conduct at office social events compared to their during regular working hours. Office parties have the potential to turn into something more sinister: a sexual harassment complaint. Further, the whole dynamics at office changes particularly when alcohol is involved. As such, office parties can be a breeding ground for sexual harassment claims. Sexual harassment can take many forms. At office parties, it can range from inappropriate touching, hugging or kissing to suggestive remarks.  Although corporate parties are organized to let the staff relax and have fun, they are still business events and require appropriate conduct and prevent sexual harassment. So, a lot of things have to be done differently at office parties than while partying with friends. Here is a bunch of tips to keep in mind at the office parties to prevent sexual harassment –

  1. Responsible Drinking 

Alcohol is served in most of the office parties generally. Intake of alcohol lowers people’s inhibitions and with that more relaxed atmosphere people get braver and they will say things that they normally wouldn’t say in the office environment or the work environment, and they do things that they wouldn’t normally do. Just because an office party is serving alcohol or it’s a more informal environment doesn’t mean that employees can cross the line. The simple trick is not to drink too much and be mindful of your conduct. 

  1. No flirting or acting in a sexually provocative manner

Do not think about flirting with co-workers, even if it’s entirely innocent. it does not send a good message to your colleagues. Flirting or acting in a sexually provocative manner can end with a claim of sexual harassment against you. Hold yourself and your co-workers to the same standards that you would during a regular business day. The same boundaries that apply on a Tuesday morning should also apply at the office party.

  1. Proper dress up

Although it is called a party but an office party is more of a formal event. A proper dress is a must for both men and women. it is crucial that you maintain the same respectability as for a typical day at work. You may choose to dress up but at the same time ensure that you are following the company’s dress code. 

  1. Watch Your language

Office parties are usually light-hearted events. Telling jokes is a part if fun office parties. but make sure they do not offend your coworker. making off-color, racist, offensive, sexually inappropriate jokes is not acceptable.

  1. Watch your Body language

Body language is as important as is the spoken language. Actions like staring or leering, unnecessary leaning on others, casual hugging or kissing, suggestive comments, displaying posters, magazines or screen savers of sexual nature, sending sexually explicit emails or text messages, must be avoided at all instances.

At Ungender, we conduct offline and online training sessions to prevent sexual harassment at the workplace.

The above insights are a product of our learning from our advisory work at Ungender. Our Team specialises in advising workplaces on gender centric laws.

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